Monday, August 29, 2011

"Food, Glorious Food!"

I'm going to make a bold statement and say that something more frustrating than not getting what you want is not even knowing what you want.

The annoyance, pain, or sorrow of not getting what you want can be eased, soothed, and potentially adjusted to new wants and desires. You can learn to move on.

The worst part about not even knowing what you want is that you're stuck somewhere between contentment and craving. You know you aren't fully satisfied, but why aren't you? What is it that you want??

It's like that feeling when you know you're hungry-- in fact, you're STARVING, but you haven't a clue what for. So, you continue to be hungry, idling down row after row in Safeway hoping something jumps out at you.


Might I also add the wonderful, amazing, totally unbelievably satisfying feeling of FINALLY knowing what you want.

It's very akin to a bag of Sun Chips (I like Sun Chips, so I'm using them in my illustration. You're welcome for the free advertising, Sun Chips.) falling off the shelf in front of you, and the second the bag hits the floor, you realize: "I WANT THOSE RIGHT NOW!!!"

This is followed by a hasty purchase of the product, and a pleasurable munching of a high carb snack food all the way home.

Or something like that.

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